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Have guests sample five different types of wine (more will overwhelm the palette). It's fine to mix reds and whites; just serve them in order from lightest to darkest, since darker wines tend to be heavier. For six guests, have two bottles of each: one for tasting (pour small amounts of about one ounce) and one for drinking
The alcohol content of wine has spiked considerably. “There's pressure on winemakers from critics for intense flavors, and that means riper grapes,” explains Marnie Old, the director of wine studies at the French Culinary Institute, in New York City, and a coauthor of He Said Beer, She Said Wine. “So during the past few
A guide to the big six—the most common grape varieties found in the United States—and the best foods to pair them with.
Luckily, for this week's "Adulthood Made Easy," host Sam Zabell consulted Amy Zavatto, wine and spirits expert and author of The Renaissance Guide to Wine and Food Pairing ($13,, to get a crash course in Wine 101. From wine label buzzwords, like "oaked," to recommendations for the best wine you can buy
Just like cereal, software, and running shoes, best-sellers in the wine world are popular for a reason: They consistently offer good value for the money. . you're making a sauce or a marinade, says Leslie Sbrocco, author of Wine for Women: A Guide to Buying, Pairing, and Sharing Wine (William Morrow, $25,
Wine needn't be expensive or intimidating—a corkscrew and a little basic knowledge is.
Easy-to-find bargain wines to pair with all of your favorite dishes.
Intimidated by an enormous restaurant wine list? Follow these tips to choose the right bottle of vino when dining out.
Beer partnered up with consultants, brew-masters, and renowned chefs, including Vito Racanelli, who has been a restaurant owner and wine connoisseur for 25 years, and George Reisch, a third-generation brew-master. Together, they put together beer suggestions based on wine preferences—and a few snacks and
The old rules for matching food and wine?white with seafood and poultry; red with red meats?no longer apply. But that doesn't mean anything goes. Leslie Sbrocco, author of The Simple & Savvy Wine Guide ($15,, shares her wine-pairing strategies. Match the texture of the food with the texture of the wine.
